Ash Bark Beetle

Scientific Name: Hylesinus fraxini
Scientific Type: Bark Beetles & Boring Insects

Ash Bark Beetle (Hylesinus fraxini) is a species of bark beetle that is known to attack and damage ash trees (Fraxinus species). The ash bark beetle is a small, brown beetle that feeds on the inner bark of ash trees, causing extensive damage to the trees' circulatory system, which can lead to wilting, defoliation, and eventually death. The ash bark beetle is native to North America but has been introduced to other parts of the world, where it has caused significant damage to ash tree populations.

The ash bark beetle primarily attacks stressed or weakened ash trees, such as those that have been damaged by storms, drought, or other environmental stressors. Once the beetles have entered the tree, they mate and lay their eggs in the inner bark. The larvae feed on the inner bark, causing extensive damage to the trees' circulatory system and interfering with its ability to transport water and nutrients from the roots to the rest of the tree.

The ash bark beetle also has a mutualistic relationship with several species of fungi, which the beetle carries into the tree with it. The fungi feed on the tree's wood, which helps to break down the inner bark and make it easier for the beetle larvae to feed. This relationship between the beetles and fungi can make the damage caused by the ash bark beetle even more severe.

It is important to monitor ash trees for signs of ash bark beetle damage, as early detection and treatment can prevent significant damage to the tree. Management strategies for the ash bark beetle include removing and destroying infested trees, applying insecticides to prevent infestations, and providing proper care and maintenance to reduce tree stress. In addition, planting ash trees that are resistant to the ash bark beetle and other pests and diseases can help to reduce the impact of this pest.