Plant Health Care

EWH offers a wide range of plant health care services, from soil care/improvement to pest diagnosis and treatment.

  • Tree/shrub fertilizing: Our philosophy is to create healthy soils and better growing conditions, so your plants are more resistant to pests. Our fertilizers are a custom blend of organic products made especially for the difficult soils we find in the Aspen and Vail Valleys. Healthy soil equals healthy plants.

  • Trunk injections: Trunk injections are an application method that allow us to deliver the needed product directly into the trunk of the tree. Thus, we avoid air-borne sprays and greatly reduce potential exposure to people, pets and beneficial insects. Another bonus: our trunk injection system does not require any drilling into the tree, which avoids the damage that drilling causes.

  • Soil injections/drenches: EWH regularly uses soil injections/drenches to treat a wide range of pests. These applications avoid air-borne sprays and greatly reduce potential exposure to people, pets and beneficial insects.

  • Basal trunk sprays: A basal trunk spray involves a low-volume backpack spray onto the bottom several feet of the tree. The product is then translocated throughout the tree, providing control of a wide range of pests. These applications avoid air-borne sprays and greatly reduce potential exposure to people, pets and beneficial insects.

  • Organic pest control: While not all pests can be managed with organic products, organics are a viable option for a long list of insect and disease pests. Horticultural oils, neem oil, insecticidal soaps and biopesticides such Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) offer control of many common landscape pests such as aphids, spider mites, scale insects and leaf feeding caterpillars and beetles.

  • Pheromones: EWH uses pheromone patches to control several beetle species – mountain pine beetle, spruce beetle and Douglas fir beetle. These patches are stapled to trees and signal the beetles that the trees have already been attacked, and they should find a different host tree. This treatment has proven effective, especially when used in conjunction with other strategies, such as clearing the property of trees that are already beetle infested.

  • Tree spraying: There are times, due to the pest being treated or other application methods being cost prohibitive, that aerial spraying is the best option. When sprays are necessary, we choose products that are effective and have the least impact to the surrounding environment.

  • Consultations & insect/disease diagnosis: EWH has a team of certified arborists who have the experience and knowledge to provide an accurate pest diagnosis and the best treatment options. Our focus is always to provide great results while maintaining an overall healthy ecosystem.

  • Air spading: An air spade uses high pressure air to loosen soil, provide a less damaging way to excavate around trees and expose roots. EWH uses this tool to alleviate soil compaction, to remove soil from trees that have been planted too deep, and to locate and remove girdling roots.