What’s New – Spring 2018

Your Trees are Thirsty!

As spring approaches, trees will start to come out of dormancy, absorbing water and soil nutrients in preparation for bud break. However, due to the current drought conditions, most trees lack adequate soil moisture. Last fall was exceptionally dry and current snowpack levels are well below normal. According to NOAA, Garfield, Pitkin and Eagle Counties are all experiencing severe drought. Given our unseasonably warm, dry winter and the fact that most irrigation systems won’t be activated for weeks or months from now, we recommend hand watering your trees to ensure they have sufficient water this spring. The following are some guidelines for tree watering:

  • Begin a watering regimen after the snowpack melts and the ground has thawed. Continue until your irrigation system is activated.
  • The easiest way to water is to simply place a garden hose in the root zone of the tree and provide a slow, deep watering.
  • Water when daytime temperatures exceed 45 degrees Fahrenheit and water early enough in the day to allow time for the water to soak in before freezing at night.
  • Water small trees (up to 10” diameter) once per week about 10 gallons per diameter inch of trunk. Water large trees (>10” diameter) twice per month about 15 gallons per diameter inch of trunk.

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